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Food delivery is on the rise - how do you get your share of the pie?

Food delivery is on the rise – how do you get your share of the pie?

Executive Summary The advent of modern technology has propelled the Food Delivery Business to massive global numbers. With changing lifestyles and consumer preferences in a modern world, this business is here to stay. Investors are also happy to invest massive funds to grow their companies. With the correct team, automation and by adopting a customer-centric …

Food delivery is on the rise – how do you get your share of the pie? Read More »

How last-mile delivery solution helps to visualize business growth

How the Last-mile delivery solution helps to visualize business growth peaks and lows

Executive Summary Today, companies operate in a global marketplace. They are faced with tremendous challenges to maintain profitable businesses. In such an environment, predicting business patterns eg growth, stagnation, customer preferences, competitor actions, and innovations is key in staying ahead.  In our age of technological diffusion it is impossible to maintain a competitive advantage over …

How the Last-mile delivery solution helps to visualize business growth peaks and lows Read More »

How Pandemic Has Enhanced Your Commute To Work

How Pandemic Has Enhanced Your Commute To Work

As countries come out of lockdown and people resume daily commute, they must be prepared for the changes they would see around in their daily modes of transportation and the change of people’s behavior during the commute. The pandemic has forced citizens around the world to experience lots of changes and the way we commute …

How Pandemic Has Enhanced Your Commute To Work Read More »

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